jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Dominic Savio

 English Work

Aleixandre Vicente Martínez Chavarría #19
Christian Enmanuel Urbina Taleno #34
11th Grade "A" 

Dominic Savio (Italian: Domenico Savio; April 2, 1842 – March 9, 1857 was an Italian adolescent student of Saint John Bosco. He was studying to be a priest when he became ill and died at the age of 14, possibly from pleurisy. His teacher, John Bosco, had very high respect for Savio, and wrote a biography of his young student, “The Life of Dominic Savio”. This volume, along with other accounts of him, were critical factors in his cause for sainthood. Despite the fact that many people considered him to have died at too young an age – fourteen – to be considered for sainthood, he was considered eligible for such singular honour on the basis of his having displayed "heroic virtue" in his everyday life.


In February of 1857 was very strong coughing that forced him to bed for weeks. On Sunday March 1 was sent back to the house of his parents, in Mondonio. A doctor diagnosed as suffering from some type of inflammation in the lungs and decided to bleed him, as was customary at that time.
The first days of March 1857, Domingo received the last sacraments. On the evening of Monday, in March 9 begged his father to recite prayers for the dying
He was buried on Wednesday March 11, 1857.


Though some were of an opinion that Dominic was too young to be canonised, Pope Saint Pius X insisted that this was not so, and started the process of his canonisation. Dominic Savio was declared Venerable in 1933 by Pope Pius XI, was beatified in 1950 by Pope Pius XII, and declared a saint in 1954. Pope Pius XI described him as "small in size, but a towering giant in spirit”.